Frank Chase Jr latest interview by AllAuthor

Author and former military man Frank Chase Jr. grew in Baltimore, MD. He got interested in writing from watching movies and listening to a radio show called mystery theatre, but it was only in his thirties after a divorce that his desire to write escalated. His debut book “False Roads to Manhood: What Women Need to Know: What Men Need to Understand” took him seven years of research and writing. If he weren’t a writer, Frank would be a stage actor as it has been his passion since high school.Being a writer has taught him that everyone will not agree with you or what you may write, but it leaves a record and a legacy that can help future generations long after you have passed on. He is currently writing a scripture-centered book and also plans on writing a fiction novel soon. Read full interview…

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In this installment of tithing, I first want to say that this blog post came about becasue of a news article I read that a single women was fined not tithing, The article is titled, Single Mom Fined $1,000 by Church For Not Tithing–Threatens to Remove Her. After reading the article, I shook my head in disbelief and knew I had to write another blog post to address tithing. I guess I will be for the foreseeable furture continue to write tithing blogs until the monetary tithing madness ends. Let me make this clear as day, what you give to your church is your personal business. However no pastor has a right to take scripture out of context as a means to sustain a finanical system the Bible never endorses. So let’s take a magnifying glass to  a scripture text to show that tithing in the Bible was not income but edible items. We know pastors love to quote Malachi but I will not start with that verse. You can get signed paperbacks, just order Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway? from Paypalme for $23.87

In this video, I take a look at the pre-law position on tithing. Throughout my 30 plus years of tithing income and reading the Bible, I never found a verse that hinted of anyone tithing before the law except for the one time Abram did at 80-years old. I never took the time to verify if the Bible gives any evidence as to whether God taught Abram to tithe. Discovering what the Bible really teaches about tithing and giving is vital. Without study and knowing what the Bible says, you could wreck your financial future for generations. Tithing and Giving are not the same but are different as apples and oranges. Tithing ten percent is a personal choice, but it should be understood and practiced with the right understanding. For example, most people give the ten percent and then claim it on their taxes. The question is, is that true free will giving?

If you pay a tenth of your income should it be rightly a called tax return or tax deductible giving? Pay a tenth of your income is really a tax. As a tax, it is acceptable by the tax code as a charitable gift to lower taxable income and in some cases, people will get a refund from the IRS. Pay a tenth income is not a tithe but a tax. Furthermore, tithes are food and not money anyway.  In reality, what people call tithing is really a form of paying a temple tax for the upkeep of a church building and paying salaries. That’s fine as long as it is stated that way. However, to be biblically accurate we cannot say that tithing money is s a New Testament command because it is not. In fact, if you are a member of an organization or church, it can’t run without money, so you give to churches, YMCA or any 501C3 organization to keep it running, but mandating a tenth of someone’s income is going beyond the interpretive boundaries of the scripture, which is out of context. Check out the video about Abram and the pre-law tithe.

While doing research on giving, I ran across some information that literally changed my life and relieved me from years of guilt giving. Before I began my journey, I already knew that my Christian faith had its roots in the Hebraic culture of the Hebrew people of the Bible, who are later identified as Israelites. When I found out that there were eight giving levels in the Jewish perspective, my heart skipped a beat. My reaction after reading all eight levels of giving was one of surprise and joy. The key word for giving in Hebrew is  TZEDAKAH and it means charity and literally righteousness. The video below explains what TZEDAKAH is and the eight levels of giving from a Hebraic perspective. I think you will get some good giving points from this video that will help you in your understanding of giving from God’s view and not man’s view. Of course, you know my mantra is that you should always independently study because nothing beats personal study especially if you put in the effort yourself. I will also post the slides from my tithing study for your reading pleasure.

Some may ask why am I spending so much of my time posting videos and writing blogs that some people may never read or care about. They may also say, the entire church world believes in tithing and your one single voice will not change centuries-old tithing practices overnight. My response would be, I am not the only voice crying in the wilderness. Besides, this subject has become a passion and so I have no choice but to share and post what I’m learning on this journey. My only regret is that I did not do this sooner when I first heard that the tithe was not money and that God does not require a tenth of income as a tithe for life. Back then, fear prevented me from studying my Bible on the subject. But now I have no fear of sharing this truth from the Scriptures. For those who say all Christians who try to expose the error of popular teachings, such as tithing are heretic hunters and are unstable and rebellious. That’s not true because the Bible says in Proverbs 5:21 “to prove all things…” and in the Jewish Bible says, “But do test everything.” So writing a book and posting blogs and doing videos is an act of obeying the Bible in putting all teaching from the Scriptures to the test of research, hermeneutics, and exegesis based on the land, the language and the literature of the Hebrew people.

So get your pens and your study material out and start your journey in finding out what the pre-law tithe is and the eight levels of giving are from the people of the Bible.





So in the end, you have to decide who is robbing God. Make an effort to study for yourself and I assure you, it will not be in vain because your entire life will be changed in a powerful way by becoming a free will generous giver. So when we talk about pre-Law tithing, neither Abram’s/Abraham tithe nor Israel’s tithe were from their monetary income, which in Hebrew would ma’aser kesafim and you can believe that.




