Back in 2010 when I left my church over tithing and started my initial research about the centuries-old practice, I had the pleasure of interviewing a friend named Tony to get his views. We shared information about the tithe and discussed our findings. As you can see from the video, my background was not professional. I was just starting out. LOL. As you listen to us talk about tithing, you can see we were just basically scratching the surface.

At this stage in my life, I was still involved in heavy tithing research and reading many books. Also, I had just begun working on my tithing power point study. I was often asked if i would write a book, but I really had no thought or desire to write a book. I eventually finished the power point study, which turned out to be 117 pages. I thought that was it for me, but I just kept reading and studying and I decided to work on another power point  study on giving and called it New Testament Giving. That ended up being 48 pages long.

For about a year, my tithing study was online and I received really good reviews. I also posted numerous tithe teachings on youtube, which I am now transferring to my blog. Over the years, people asked me if I was going to write a book. I guess I was asked that question because I had previously written a book, called False Roads To Manhood. I vacillated about writing a book on tithing for many different reasons, but one day I finally quit working on my New Testament giving, power point presentation and began writing my book. So in the year 2014, I put pen to paper. One thing I said in my upcoming book is that if you disagree with the tithing information present that is ok because no published book is the conclusion of any subject. In fact, I hope my book produces more books on the subject to expose more about the how the tithe has been reinvented.

This interview was in 2010. In the following years, I wrote the tithing study and did videos and by the close of 2014, I started writing the book, Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God?