Tithing is a subject near and dear to many people. Some even put their souls on the line to defend the doctrine by any means necessary. However, before anyone steps out on a doctrinal ledge, isn’t is wise to ask questions first before committing to a biblical teaching? Here’s one question I would ask. Is the doctrine of tithing Illegal for Christians? Many people often justify their tithing arguments by using spiritual slogans that have no grounds in the Scripture. For example, you might here a tithe proponent say, Christians are in DEBT because they are:

D oing

E verything

B ut

T ithing

The implication is that debt problems among believers are caused by them not tithing to God by giving the money to the church. But does the Bible teach such a doctrine? The only way to figure that out is to ask what the Bible defines as a legal tithe. The problem is not that believers are doing everything but tithing, in reality, believers should:

D o

E verything

B ut

T ithe

I suggest they do everything but tithe because the legal scriptural definition of the tithe in Leviticus 27:30-33 never mentions money as a tithe. The Hebrew word for money is Kesafim, and Leviticus only speaks to products from the land and the animal kingdom. So if you want answers, here is a list of questions from my initial tithing power point tithing study that was a part of my tithing research four years ago before I wrote the upcoming book, Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God? Asking questions and researching for answers prevents erroneous conclusions. All the answers to the questions in this slide are covered in detail in my upcoming book. One question asks who received the tithe in the Old Testament? The answer is the Levites by birthright, the poor, widows, orphans, and the high priest. Now that is quite different from who receives tithes today. For a more extensive list of tithing questions, check out this link. 140 questions for Tithe Advocates


One author Gary Amirault states the tithe is illegal. Ask questions, research for answers, compare everthing to the Scripture and you will find the answers to everying you need to about tithing. And if that does not help you, Try reading the upcoming book, Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God?